ICONS 2020-2023 0% Baptism of Christ | Theophany iconCrucifixion of Christ. Myrrhbearers (Resurrection of Christ)Crucifixion with ResurrectionRabbuni! - Resurrection of ChristDoubting Thomas iconNativity of Christ iconBaptism of Christ | Theophany iconMystical Supper (Last Supper) iconMystical Supper (Last Supper) iconEleusa. Theotokos icon.Temptation of Jesus ChristRessurection of Christ icon– Descent into the AbyssBaptism of Christ | Theophany iconCrucifixion of Christ. Empty tomb. (Resurrection of Christ)Jesus Christ Pantocrator iconCrucifixion of ChristSt. Mary MagdaleneSt. Barbara iconSaint Timon the ApostleSaint Leo, Bishop of CataniaWedding at Cana in GalileeNativity of Christ iconSaint Hildegard of BingenSermon on the Mount iconTransfiguration of JesusCrucifixion iconIcons of the Mother of GodVisitationAnnunciationWedding at CanaProphet Elijah icon with Chariot of Fire